প্রিয় পাঠক লক্ষ্য করুন

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hare and Tortoise

Once a hare and a Tortoise lived in a Jungle. The tortoise was very slow to run. So the hare always made fun of him. One day the hare invited the tortoise to a race. The tortoise agreed. All other animals of the jungle came to see the race. The race started. The hare run fast and soon was far ahead of the tortoise. He looked back and there was no trace of the tortoise. “The tortoise is too slow.” thought the hare. “He will take a long time to reach here. Let me have some rest. When the tortoise comes I shall run fast and win the race.” the hare lay down in the shall of a tree.” It was summer and the sun was very hot. But it was cool under the tree. The hare feel asleep. After a short sleep the hare woke up and ran very fast. But he was too late. The tortoise had already reached the finishing mark and won the race.

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